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Naoya Ozawa's composition portfolio

Welcome to Naoya Ozawa’s music portfolio. I will post the scores for some of my compositions and arrangements. Some of these pieces are played by myself on my YouTube channel.

From the Microcosmos / ミクロコスモスより (2023)

Cosmos (2023)

Alice (2022)

Zephyr in Amber / 琥珀色のそよ風 (2022)

Dawn of the crested gecko / クレステッドゲッコーの夜明け (2022)

Piglet’s dream / 子豚の見た夢 (2022)

A seven-part rondo in F major for the piano solo. Composed from Feb. 12, 2022 - Feb. 16, 2022.

Sonata (2021)

カバのカバン (2021)

Before you say good night / ピアノのための短編集 - 「おやすみ」の前に - (2021)

Prelude and fugue based on limited indeterminacy / 限られた不確定性に基づく前奏曲とフーガ (2021)

【ピアノソロ編曲】堀未央奈『冷たい水の中』 (2020)

Evanescence (2020)

Wharf / 波止場 (2020)

Impressions (2020)

  1. Ripples / 波紋
  2. In the precincts / 境内にて
  3. Fragrant olives in the rainy season / 梅雨の金木犀
  4. Freedom is slavery

Sonata in E minor (2018-2020)

  1. Andante - a monologue with restrained emotions (ぽつりぽつりと語るように)
  2. Adagio - calmly, with tenderness
  3. Presto, senza rubato - in a rigorously accurate tempo and dynamics, but passionately

24 Preludes for the Piano (2016-2017)

  1. G flat major
  2. E flat minor
  3. D flat major
  4. B flat minor
  5. A flat major
  6. F minor
  7. E flat major
  8. C minor
  9. B flat major
  10. G minor
  11. F major
  12. D minor
  13. C major
  14. A minor
  15. G major
  16. E minor
  17. D major
  18. B minor
  19. A major
  20. F sharp minor
  21. E major
  22. C sharp minor
  23. B major
  24. G sharp minor

Suite for Piano Solo (2008?/2018?)

  1. Andante
  2. Allegro con fuoco
  3. Allegretto

A re-transcription of three improvisations. The original recordings have been lost.

The Andante is a simple variation based on the “Canon progression”. It can also be seen as a trio form. The Allegro con fuoco is made up from an agitative main riff and several melancholic episodes. The Allegretto is my first attempt to combine the popular music form (ABC-ABC-D-ABC) with the classical sonata form.